International Arab Journalists Association

Welcome to iNAAJA, the International Arab Journalists Association.

Here you can find connections with other Arab Journalists from around the world, and view the past history of the founding organization NAAJA, the National American Arab Journalists Association. NAAJA has been replaced by iNAAJA and has a board of directors of professional journalists from the United States and the Middle East.

We have archived information from past NAAJA conferences.

Our goal is to ensure that journalism as a profession is fair, objective and open to the participation of Arabs and Muslims in the industry.

Who We Are

iNAAJA, the International Arab American Journalists Association is the foremost representative of Arabs in the profession of journalism.

We represent Arabs journalists in America, the West and in the Middle East.

Our organizations brings together hundreds of professionals who work in the mainstream news media in the West and in the Middle East, and who also work in the ethnic news media in America publishing community newspapers, hosting radio programs and broadcasting television and cable TV shows.

This is the face of Arab Journalism.

We advocate for the rights of Arabs in journalism. We demand that the mainstream media correct its false presentations of Arabs in their reporting. We are the voice that speaks against the stereotypes that have been promoted about Arabs in the Western News Media.

We are Muslim and we are Christian. We are Arab.

We believe that journalism has an obligation to present Arabs fairly, objectively and as engaged partners in the dissemination of accurate information.

If you are Arab and engaged in journalism, writing, radio, TV or blogging, or pursuing careers in these journalism fields, we urge you to join us today and find strength in fraternity.

Fill out the membership form today